Wednesday, December 29, 2010

1977: Annie Hall

Alvy Singer and Annie Hall are two New Yorkers searching for love and the meaning of life.  They can't decide whether they're better off together or apart, so they break up and get together again multiple times, all the while being philosophical and entertaining, as characters in Woody Allen films tend to be.

I find this film very interesting because it's mostly made up of vignettes that are not in chronological order, which gets a little confusing until the viewer realizes that chronology isn't essential to the story.  The best aspects of this movie are how the characters interact with the audience and each other, and the clever little jokes that are distributed throughout the film.  I find myself not really caring what the characters do, but having fun watching them nevertheless.  This is a very weird position to be in as a movie-watcher, especially when you know it's intentional.  Woody Allen is a brilliant comedic filmmaker, which this film demonstrates with its dialogue and structure.

That being said, I don't think Annie Hall is his best film.  I didn't find it as intriguing as Crimes and Misdemeanors, or as amusing as Love and Death.  I don't understand what is so amazing about this movie compared to other Woody Allen films, but for some reason this is the one that gets recognized.  I guess I should just be glad that any of his films won Best Picture, since comedies hardly ever win.  This is certainly not a typical Best Picture Winner, and it's a fun break from serious dramas.

Next: The Deer Hunter

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